University of Science & Technology Beijing

Group-Based Cryptography

Indentity-set-based Broadcast Encryption(SBE)

Identity-set-based broadcast encryption is a group-oriented cryptosystem in which a broadcaster encrypts messages and transmits them to a group of users who are listening to a broadcast channel and use their private keys to decrypt received messages...

Attribute-set-based Encryption(ASBE)

Attribute-based Encryption has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years because it is an effective cryptographic tool for sharing the privacy data within the large size range.

We construct an Attribute-set-based encryption(ASBE) scheme for the set-based operations over a large dynamic set of attribute values...

Designated Verifier-Set Signature(DVSS)

In this paper we present a designated verifier-set signature(DVSS), in which the signer allows to designate many verifiers, and each designated verifier can verify the validity of signature by oneself. Our research starts from a generic DVSS construction that uses zero-knowledge interactive...