Constant-size Identity-based Designated Verifier-Set Signature


In this paper we present a designated verifier-set signature(DVSS), in which the signer allows to designate many verifiers, and each designated verifier can verify the validity of signature by oneself. Our research starts from a generic DVSS construction that uses zero-knowledge interactive proofs of membership for NP language as part of the design.From this initial model, we learn the basic structure, properties and challenges for a practical DVSS. Hereby, we propose an efficient identitybased DVSS scheme constructed using the compressed representation of set. This scheme has no limitation to the number of designated verifiers,but the size of signature is constant and short for a designated verifierset of any size. We also provide a full security proofs in the sense of our unforgeability and exclusiveness notions for DVSS schemes, under the Strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) and General Diffie-Hellman Exponent(GDHE) assumption in the random Oracle model.

DVSS online Demo:

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